United States Visa

An Introduction to Permanent Visas

United states visa- Many visitors to the United States seek visas to enter the country as permanent residents. Individuals with “Lawful Permanent Residency”Many people who come to the United States want to become permanent residents of the country.

People who have ‘Lawful Permanent Residency’, also known as a ‘Green Card,’ enjoy many benefits, including the freedom to live and work permanently in the U.S. Potential immigrants should know as much as possible about the laws of this country.

Our firm is dedicated to helping you get that knowledge with a comprehensive online database of information about all kinds of immigration:

Permanent immigrants to the U.S. are divided into four general categories. Each of these categories may have their own subcategories:

An Introduction to Temporary Visas

The nonimmigrant visa classification covers a broad range of visas used to enter the U.S. for work, pleasure or study. Some visas are considered ‘dual intent’; you may attempt to obtain permanent residency (a green card) while under that classification.

Most nonimmigrant visas, however, require you establish the demonstration of nonimmigrant intent. This means you should demonstrate that you have a permanent residence in your home country that you have no intention of abandoning.

The duration of time you may spend in the U.S. can range from a few days to several years, depending on the visa. In most situations, your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may accompany you on a derivative visa.

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